Sunday 29 January 2012

Colin's Views on the Spotless Mind

For my 3rd review I decided to do Eternal sunshine of the Spotless mind. Going into this movie I was sceptical. I do not think I have ever really liked a romance movie but this one was different. I was happy to see that it was not solely a romance movie  but it also had other comedic and sci-fi elements that made it appeal to me more. There were many aspects of this film that I really enjoyed, one of them being the way it was told. I really liked how it was told backwards so you don't know what came before it. I also liked how Jim Carrey played the lead because you rarely get to see him in serious roles and see how he is a little more versatile than other comedy actors. The story would have been very cliché (boy meets girl, fall in love, break up, make up) if they had not added the twist of them having their minds erased. I also think that this movie is a great take on Fate vs. Free Will. You see that even after the people's minds are erased that they end up together again and again both with Jim Carrey's character and Kirsten Dunst's. It's still the same old story but they made it a lot more interesting. So I believe that this film takes a tired old story and turns it on it's head to make a romance movie that can appeal to a wider audience.

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