Sunday 29 January 2012

BONUS: Picking up Momentum

For my first Bonus review I picked Memento. I probably sound like a broken record at this point but I really liked it. I like how the story is told through his pictures and tatto's and how the director get's us to see the story in a similar way that the main character does, not knowing what came before. The story itself seems pretty textbook at the start (man avenging family member) but at the end of the movie it does a complete 180. This movie mixes funny and serious elements to create an exhilarating experience from beginning to end.  Apart from all the great elements of this film I think that there is still one. It does bot have the rewatchability factor. You already know all the big twists from the end of the movie so all of the shock is gone. Apart from that I still think it is a wonderful and truly unique film.

                          Look at these Ballers

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