Wednesday 14 September 2011

Creating Your Media Profile

1. I believe that media is very important in my life. Because everyday I enjoy many different forms of media such as Radio, T.V and the Internet. Media is so important top me because I am always surrounded by it and it is constantly changing the way I see the world.

2. The type of media I am the most passionate about is movies. I really enjoy movies because I get to immerse myself in a tepid bath of plot and characters. I'm also passionate about the Internet as it is a go to place for all sorts of other types of  media such as video, music and books. Video Games are also important to me. They allow me to somewhat experience something I probably wouldn't be able to in real life.

3. I think that modern popular culture is stupid. It seems like all I'm seeing is stupid shows on the Disney Channel or songs by a 12 year old talking about falling in love with a person he saw at a mall or whipping your hair back and forth. I do enjoy a lot of the new technology that enables us to communicate in different ways like Facebook or Twitter (I don't tweet I just read the other peoples tweets). I mostly use media for entertainment but I also have to use media for information. I would shop more on the Internet but since most things won't ship to Canada there isn't much to buy.

4. Desert Island Choices
T.V It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia- This is easily the best program on T.V. The crazy situations these disfunctional charcaters get into always make me laugh like from dropping acid in a highschool parking lot to faking their own deaths by stealing a friends car and driving it into a wall.

Movies: I can't really pick a movie I can watch to frequently but if I had to choose I would say the Big Lebowski just because it's a great film and I think it's very funny and has many memorable lines. It is also one of the two Blu-Rays that I have ever bought ( the other being the LoTR extended editions).

Album: I don't never really buy albums so I don't really have a particular album but if i had to choose I would probably pick the Scott Pilgrim soundtrack because that movie had some pretty cool songs on it.

Video Game: If I could only one game I would pick Falout: New Vegas. It's not my favourite video game but I have taken different reasons for choosing it into account.The reason I picked it is because you can replay it dozens of times and get a different outcome each time. I could complete different quests or play as a different style character which would result in thousands of hours of entertainment.

Fallout New Vegas

Book: If a was stranded on a desert island I don't think I could really bring along any sort of fiction book because I can't really read a book more then 1-2 times a year without getting completely bored with it. That being said I would probably bring along some sort of survival guide that could help me find food or water and make shelter.

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