Monday 26 September 2011

Blog Post #2- Music Video Analysis

Britney Spears-  Baby one more time

2. The reality in this video is presented as very provocative.All the girls are dressed in "sexy schoolgirl" outfits (dress shirt exposing midriff and cleavage and short skirts) and they all dance in a sexy fashion. There are also no authority figures except for the frumpy looking teacher at the beginning, who is only there to hold the kids hostage till the after school dance orgy. They portray reality this way so Britney Spears and her fellows can appear cool and sexy and that being a teenager is awesome and fun.

3. Some of the teen pop music stereotypes in this video are the synchronized dance scenes in odd or random places ( the hallway, the gym, outside), sexy, revealing cloths on young women and old bitter adults trying to ruin the kids fun. Another code of this genre is that the lyrics of the song are completely meaningless for example: Hit me baby one more time. It sounds like she either wants to be physically abused or that she's a crass old British women who wants someone to hit her baby one more time.

4. Some of the values portrayed in this video include: That school work isn't important (they hurl it away as soon as class is over and spend most of their time in class staring at a clock) .Another value is that being a slut is important in order popular because all the "cool girls" wear trashy outfits and dance like strippers and only they can get guys to like them.They also show that all adults are squares and their only goal is to hold us back.

5. This video would appeal to teenagers in quite a few ways. For one thing it would appeal to guys because of her outfit and the way they dance because guys will find it attractive. It will also appeal to teenagers because they will think " Hey I want to be sexy and fun like Britney" and then they might try to emulate her attitude and what not.

6. I think it is a good music video because it's pretty good at telling us what Britney is all about. Being a slut, having sex, failing school. It's also very memorable because I'm sure just about everyone could tell you about what happens in this video so it's very memorable and influential. I'm sure it influenced a lot of kids in the late 90's and early 00's to act just like their role model Britney Spears, the shining example of a person that she is.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Creating Your Media Profile

1. I believe that media is very important in my life. Because everyday I enjoy many different forms of media such as Radio, T.V and the Internet. Media is so important top me because I am always surrounded by it and it is constantly changing the way I see the world.

2. The type of media I am the most passionate about is movies. I really enjoy movies because I get to immerse myself in a tepid bath of plot and characters. I'm also passionate about the Internet as it is a go to place for all sorts of other types of  media such as video, music and books. Video Games are also important to me. They allow me to somewhat experience something I probably wouldn't be able to in real life.

3. I think that modern popular culture is stupid. It seems like all I'm seeing is stupid shows on the Disney Channel or songs by a 12 year old talking about falling in love with a person he saw at a mall or whipping your hair back and forth. I do enjoy a lot of the new technology that enables us to communicate in different ways like Facebook or Twitter (I don't tweet I just read the other peoples tweets). I mostly use media for entertainment but I also have to use media for information. I would shop more on the Internet but since most things won't ship to Canada there isn't much to buy.

4. Desert Island Choices
T.V It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia- This is easily the best program on T.V. The crazy situations these disfunctional charcaters get into always make me laugh like from dropping acid in a highschool parking lot to faking their own deaths by stealing a friends car and driving it into a wall.

Movies: I can't really pick a movie I can watch to frequently but if I had to choose I would say the Big Lebowski just because it's a great film and I think it's very funny and has many memorable lines. It is also one of the two Blu-Rays that I have ever bought ( the other being the LoTR extended editions).

Album: I don't never really buy albums so I don't really have a particular album but if i had to choose I would probably pick the Scott Pilgrim soundtrack because that movie had some pretty cool songs on it.

Video Game: If I could only one game I would pick Falout: New Vegas. It's not my favourite video game but I have taken different reasons for choosing it into account.The reason I picked it is because you can replay it dozens of times and get a different outcome each time. I could complete different quests or play as a different style character which would result in thousands of hours of entertainment.

Fallout New Vegas

Book: If a was stranded on a desert island I don't think I could really bring along any sort of fiction book because I can't really read a book more then 1-2 times a year without getting completely bored with it. That being said I would probably bring along some sort of survival guide that could help me find food or water and make shelter.